Say What?

 I have had to think a lot lately about the use of language and how it affects the public dialogue in reference to bigotry, hatred, and just mean spirit. Campaigns are brutal and in New Mexico, because of our demographics politics can be very divisive. That’s nothing new, but what I find interesting is the seven points that separated Linda Vanzi and Dennis Montoya. That’s it, seven points. Even after all that money she spent trying to taint his good name and with the Albuquerque Journal going after Mr. Montoya. What’s going on here?

Having been involved with Dennis Montoya’s campaign for the NM Court of Appeals Dist 2 in the June 1 primary, there were many things said by supporters from both sides that I just have to ask…Say What?

I had in fact started writing this blog when I overheard Judge LindaVanzi in campaign mode make a derogatory remark that I felt was inappropriate especially given the nature of the campaign and the obvious divisions we saw “on the ground”.

There were some really vile things said about Mr. Montoya on a number of blogs and other media sources. All the while, there had been nothing but positive campaigning from Dennis Montoya. I believe that is why so many people began to speculate that the apparent attacks on Mr. Montoya were racially motivated. I believe that is why so many people voted for Mr. Montoya.

We really don’t know why some people became so vicious. We do know that Judge Vanzi never denounced these statements and in fact continued an all out attack on Montoya, spending over $200,000 to remind people over and over that there were complaints filed against him by the disciplinary board chief counsel Victoria Ferrera, which ultimately the New Mexico Supreme Court unanimously rejected.

Nobody has brought forward any proof that Montoya or his campaign ran any sort of whisper campaign or did any negative campaigning at all. However, there had been remarks from Vanzi’s supporters that any decent person would try to take out of the dialogue but no one did, in fact people really seemed to want to perpetuate it. And the blog sites where the attack language was used never responded to the tone.

There was a distasteful “joke” made on a comment stream on Mr. Montoya’s facebook page stating that we should hire a hitman. Mr. Montoya responded immediately that it was not funny and we don’t even joke about things like that but still, someone called the police and Mr. Montoya’s campaign had to respond to the media. See the report here

This was after a supporter of Judge Vanzi’s called for Mr. Montoya to be “drawn and quatered”. This weekend I was cleaning out my email box and came across a facebook notification that I was tagged in a comment stream. I had seen the comment earlier, during the campaign however now in retrospect it seemed particularly disturbing to me. Here is the email notification:

To: Sent: 5/23/2010 5:52:03 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time Subj: Donald Schiff commented on MaryEllen Broderick’s status… Donald Schiff commented on MaryEllen Broderick’s status:

“@Michelle and Mary Ellen: I thought the linkage was not credible. I am disappointed that Michelle is working on a campaign for the most unethical scumbag ever to run for judge, though. Keeping crooks like D. Montoya out of office is a big reason why my neighbors elected me Ward Chair. I hope you’re actually being paid, because you can’t find it on his campaign filings… D. Montoya will serve on any court in NM over my dead body. Count on it.” Reply to this email to comment on this status. To see the comment thread, follow the link below:

Thanks, The Facebook Team

This is the same person who called for Dennis Montoya to be drawn and quartered. I don’t know how many people take Donald Shiff seriously but there were a lot of people feeding into the Rovian tactic of the Vanzi campaign along with Mr. Shiff. He was just the meanest and most consistent voice in opposition to Mr. Montoya. We didn’t call the police.

I guess that is why I have to ask…Say What?

There was another Hispanic candidate that made some rude and racist remarks in a “reply all” email to Dennis Montoya when he responded to an invitation that the Montoya campaign sent out. Again, inappropriate and Mr. Montoya acted immediately putting out a statement that he does not share this person’s views and that he took him off his email list. But the bloggers picked that story up, again painting it on Mr. Montoya.

Is it just that some people can make certain statements and get away with it and others will constantly be called out on it? Why didn’t anyone think that the really vicious statements shouldn’t go unchecked?

I have to ask…. Say What?

One Response to Say What?

  1. Alfredo Dominguez III says:

    I tell people when they write something stupid or wrong. I do not associate with people who write lies about people. I have distanced my self from many during this primary. I can deal with different ideas and solutions to problems. I can deal with people who tell me I am wrong and that I should be doing things differently.

    Brain Colon was disappointed when I supported Joe Campos. he went on, worked his campaign and won the primary. Since neither of us said anything to insult each other or our friends, I will be glad to support him now. That does not mean I will forget the things some supporters of Colon said during the race. I get angry to read posts calling for unity and to let bygones be bygones because the posters were the ones who created the hard feelings in the first place.

    I am not the most popular person, and I am not helping myself by taking people off my facebook,twitter pages, and email lists. I can not be friends with liars. I can not even be friendly to them. I lost my last two races badly. The main reason is I tell people what I think instead of what they want to hear.

    When I met Judge Vanzi I did not think she would have said such a thing as you heard. I am usually better at knowing what a person is like.

    People who spread lies will continue. All you and I can do is confront the behavior and not reward the acts. If we continue to talk with these same people and act like nothing happened, without resolving the disagreement, then they have no reason to stop.

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